Regina at UBC Okanagan
@ Kelowna, BC (UBC Okanagan)
2/7/2014 at 8:30pm

Final 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Regina (3-18) 16 27 25 25 15 3
UBC Okanagan (4-17) 25 29 20 15 10 2
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th  |  5th
REG -- 1st -- UBCO
  REG starters: Joel Legasse; Andrew Nelson; Caleb Eschbach; Matthew Lueck; Brad Millers; Rhodri Simmonds; libero Jacques Borgeaud.  
  UBCO starters: Jim Bell; Lars Bornemann; Alex Swiatlowski; Joshua Harvey; Nate Speijer; Davis Proch; libero Jeremy Fostvelt.  
[Caleb Eschbach] Attack error by Matthew Lueck (block by Joshua Harvey; Davis Proch). Point UBCO 0-1
1-1 [Davis Proch] Attack error by Joshua Harvey. Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Service error. Point UBCO 1-2
[Nate Speijer] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski. Point UBCO 1-3
[Nate Speijer] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 1-4
2-4 [Nate Speijer] Service error. Point REG
[Rhodri Simmonds] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 2-5
[Joshua Harvey] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 2-6
3-6 [Joshua Harvey] Service error. Point REG
[Andrew Nelson] Kill by Jim Bell (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 3-7
4-7 [Alex Swiatlowski] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 4-8
[Lars Bornemann] Attack error by Brad Millers. Point UBCO 4-9
5-9 [Lars Bornemann] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Brad Millers] Service error. Point UBCO 5-10
[Jim Bell] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBCO 5-11
  Timeout Regina.  
6-11 [Jim Bell] Service error. Point REG
7-11 [Caleb Eschbach] Attack error by Nate Speijer (block by Andrew Nelson; Rhodri Simmonds). Point REG
8-11 [Caleb Eschbach] Service ace (Lars Bornemann). Point REG
9-11 [Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Jacques Borgeaud). Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Service error. Point UBCO 9-12
[Davis Proch] Kill by Joshua Harvey (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 9-13
[Davis Proch] Attack error by Matthew Lueck (block by Joshua Harvey; Nate Speijer). Point UBCO 9-14
10-14 [Davis Proch] Attack error by Lars Bornemann. Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 10-15
[Nate Speijer] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 10-16
  Timeout (Media).  
[Nate Speijer] Attack error by Rhodri Simmonds (block by Joshua Harvey). Point UBCO 10-17
[Nate Speijer] Service ace (Matthew Lueck). Point UBCO 10-18
  REG subs: Andre Borgeaud.  
11-18 [Nate Speijer] Kill by Rhodri Simmonds (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
  REG subs: Ryan Cherwaty.  
12-18 [Ryan Cherwaty] Attack error by Alex Swiatlowski (block by Joel Legasse; Brad Millers). Point REG
[Ryan Cherwaty] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 12-19
  REG subs: Rhodri Simmonds.  
  UBCO subs: Colten Litwin.  
13-19 [Colten Litwin] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Brad Millers). Point REG
  UBCO subs: Joshua Harvey.  
[Andrew Nelson] Service error. Point UBCO 13-20
  UBCO subs: Grant Sonnenberg.  
[Grant Sonnenberg] Service ace (Andre Borgeaud). Point UBCO 13-21
  REG subs: Matthew Lueck.  
[Grant Sonnenberg] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Jeremy Fostvelt). Point UBCO 13-22
[Grant Sonnenberg] Service ace (Jacques Borgeaud). Point UBCO 13-23
  warning for late sub  
  REG subs: Steve Carston.  
14-23 [Grant Sonnenberg] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
15-23 [Joel Legasse] Kill by Steve Carston. Point REG
16-23 [Joel Legasse] Service ace (Jeremy Fostvelt). Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 16-24
[Lars Bornemann] Kill by Grant Sonnenberg (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 16-25
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REG -- 2nd -- UBCO
  REG starters: Joel Legasse; Rhodri Simmonds; Andrew Nelson; Caleb Eschbach; Matthew Lueck; Brad Millers; libero Jacques Borgeaud.  
  UBCO starters: Nate Speijer; Alex Swiatlowski; Lars Bornemann; Davis Proch; Joshua Harvey; Jim Bell; libero Jeremy Fostvelt.  
[Jim Bell] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBCO 0-1
1-1 [Jim Bell] Service error. Point REG
2-1 [Caleb Eschbach] Service ace (Lars Bornemann). Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Joshua Harvey (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 2-2
[Davis Proch] Attack error by Andrew Nelson. Point UBCO 2-3
3-3 [Davis Proch] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Joshua Harvey (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 3-4
4-4 [Nate Speijer] Attack error by Lars Bornemann (block by Rhodri Simmonds; Andrew Nelson). Point REG
[Rhodri Simmonds] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 4-5
5-5 [Joshua Harvey] Kill by Brad Millers (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Andrew Nelson] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 5-6
6-6 [Alex Swiatlowski] Attack error by Nate Speijer. Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 6-7
7-7 [Lars Bornemann] Service error. Point REG
[Brad Millers] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 7-8
8-8 [Jim Bell] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
9-8 [Caleb Eschbach] Attack error by Alex Swiatlowski. Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 9-9
10-9 [Davis Proch] Kill by Rhodri Simmonds (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
11-9 [Matthew Lueck] Attack error by Alex Swiatlowski. Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Joshua Harvey (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 11-10
12-10 [Nate Speijer] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Rhodri Simmonds] Kill by Joshua Harvey (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 12-11
[Joshua Harvey] Attack error by Joel Legasse. Point UBCO 12-12
[Joshua Harvey] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 12-13
[Joshua Harvey] Kill by Jim Bell. Point UBCO 12-14
13-14 [Joshua Harvey] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Andrew Nelson] Service error. Point UBCO 13-15
14-15 [Alex Swiatlowski] Service error. Point REG
15-15 [Joel Legasse] Attack error by Lars Bornemann (block by Caleb Eschbach; Brad Millers). Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Service error. Point UBCO 15-16
  Timeout (Media).  
16-16 [Lars Bornemann] Service error. Point REG
[Brad Millers] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 16-17
  UBCO subs: Colten Litwin.  
17-17 [Colten Litwin] Kill by Rhodri Simmonds (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
  UBCO subs: Jim Bell.  
[Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 17-18
18-18 [Davis Proch] Kill by Rhodri Simmonds. Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Joshua Harvey (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 18-19
19-19 [Nate Speijer] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Rhodri Simmonds). Point REG
  REG subs: Ryan Cherwaty.  
20-19 [Ryan Cherwaty] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
21-19 [Ryan Cherwaty] Service ace (Joshua Harvey). Point REG
  Timeout UBC Okanagan.  
[Ryan Cherwaty] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 21-20
  REG subs: Rhodri Simmonds.  
22-20 [Joshua Harvey] Kill by Brad Millers (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Andrew Nelson] Service error. Point UBCO 22-21
[Alex Swiatlowski] Attack error by Caleb Eschbach. Point UBCO 22-22
  Timeout Regina.  
[Alex Swiatlowski] Attack error by Joel Legasse (block by Davis Proch). Point UBCO 22-23
  Timeout Regina.  
[Alex Swiatlowski] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 22-24
23-24 [Alex Swiatlowski] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
  REG subs: Steve Carston; Andre Borgeaud.  
24-24 [Joel Legasse] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Andre Borgeaud). Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 24-25
  REG subs: Caleb Eschbach; Andrew Nelson.  
25-25 [Lars Bornemann] Attack error by Jim Bell (block by Matthew Lueck; Brad Millers). Point REG
26-25 [Brad Millers] Attack error by Nate Speijer. Point REG
[Brad Millers] Service error. Point UBCO 26-26
27-26 [Jim Bell] Service error. Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Service error. Point UBCO 27-27
[Davis Proch] Attack error by Andrew Nelson (block by Joshua Harvey; Alex Swiatlowski). Point UBCO 27-28
[Davis Proch] Attack error by Rhodri Simmonds (block by Joshua Harvey). Point UBCO 27-29
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REG -- 3rd -- UBCO
  UBCO starters: Nate Speijer; Joshua Harvey; Davis Proch; Jim Bell; Alex Swiatlowski; Lars Bornemann; libero Jeremy Fostvelt.  
  REG starters: Joel Legasse; Rhodri Simmonds; Matthew Lueck; Andrew Nelson; Brad Millers; Caleb Eschbach; libero Jacques Borgeaud.  
1-0 [Caleb Eschbach] Service ace (TEAM). Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Service error. Point UBCO 1-1
[Davis Proch] Attack error by Andrew Nelson. Point UBCO 1-2
2-2 [Davis Proch] Service error. Point REG
3-2 [Matthew Lueck] Service ace (Nate Speijer). Point REG
4-2 [Matthew Lueck] Service ace (Jeremy Fostvelt). Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Attack error by Joel Legasse (block by Nate Speijer; Joshua Harvey). Point UBCO 4-3
5-3 [Nate Speijer] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
6-3 [Rhodri Simmonds] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Rhodri Simmonds). Point REG
[Rhodri Simmonds] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 6-4
7-4 [Joshua Harvey] Kill by Brad Millers (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
8-4 [Andrew Nelson] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
  Timeout UBC Okanagan.  
[Andrew Nelson] Attack error by Brad Millers. Point UBCO 8-5
[Alex Swiatlowski] Bad set by TEAM. Point UBCO 8-6
9-6 [Alex Swiatlowski] Kill by Brad Millers (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
10-6 [Joel Legasse] Attack error by Nate Speijer. Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 10-7
11-7 [Lars Bornemann] Attack error by Jim Bell. Point REG
  REG subs: Steve Carston.  
12-7 [Steve Carston] Attack error by Jim Bell. Point REG
  UBCO subs: Connor Loewen.  
[Steve Carston] Attack error by Rhodri Simmonds. Point UBCO 12-8
  REG subs: Brad Millers.  
13-8 [Jim Bell] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Connor Loewen). Point UBCO 13-9
[Connor Loewen] Attack error by Andrew Nelson (block by Alex Swiatlowski; Joshua Harvey). Point UBCO 13-10
14-10 [Connor Loewen] Service error. Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Connor Loewen). Point UBCO 14-11
15-11 [Nate Speijer] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Rhodri Simmonds] Service error. Point UBCO 15-12
  UBCO subs: Colten Litwin.  
16-12 [Colten Litwin] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Brad Millers). Point REG
  Timeout (Media).  
  REG subs: Alex Cassels.  
  UBCO subs: Joshua Harvey.  
[Andrew Nelson] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Connor Loewen). Point UBCO 16-13
[Alex Swiatlowski] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Connor Loewen). Point UBCO 16-14
17-14 [Alex Swiatlowski] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Andrew Nelson). Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Bad set by Alex Cassels. Point UBCO 17-15
18-15 [Lars Bornemann] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Alex Cassels). Point REG
19-15 [Brad Millers] Bad set by Connor Loewen. Point REG
[Brad Millers] Service error. Point UBCO 19-16
20-16 [Jim Bell] Service error. Point REG
  REG subs: Caleb Eschbach.  
21-16 [Caleb Eschbach] Bad set by Connor Loewen. Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Service error. Point UBCO 21-17
22-17 [Connor Loewen] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
  UBCO subs: Davis Proch.  
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 22-18
[Nate Speijer] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Jeremy Fostvelt). Point UBCO 22-19
23-19 [Nate Speijer] Attack error by Lars Bornemann. Point REG
  REG subs: Ryan Cherwaty.  
[Ryan Cherwaty] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 23-20
  REG subs: Rhodri Simmonds.  
24-20 [Joshua Harvey] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
25-20 [Andrew Nelson] Kill by Brad Millers. Point REG
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REG -- 4th -- UBCO
  UBCO starters: Lars Bornemann; Alex Swiatlowski; Chris Wilson; Davis Proch; Nate Speijer; Joshua Harvey; libero Colten Litwin.  
  REG starters: Caleb Eschbach; Matthew Lueck; Brad Millers; Joel Legasse; Andrew Nelson; Rhodri Simmonds; libero Jacques Borgeaud.  
  yellow card for heat for redoing lineup  
1-0 [Lars Bornemann] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Attack error by Joel Legasse. Point UBCO 1-1
2-1 [Joshua Harvey] Service error. Point REG
[Rhodri Simmonds] Service error. Point UBCO 2-2
3-2 [Davis Proch] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
4-2 [Andrew Nelson] Attack error by Nate Speijer (block by Brad Millers). Point REG
[Andrew Nelson] Service error. Point UBCO 4-3
5-3 [Nate Speijer] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Jacques Borgeaud). Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 5-4
6-4 [Chris Wilson] Service error. Point REG
[Brad Millers] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 6-5
7-5 [Alex Swiatlowski] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 7-6
8-6 [Lars Bornemann] Service error. Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 8-7
[Joshua Harvey] Attack error by Joel Legasse. Point UBCO 8-8
9-8 [Joshua Harvey] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Rhodri Simmonds] Kill by Chris Wilson (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 9-9
[Davis Proch] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 9-10
10-10 [Davis Proch] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
11-10 [Andrew Nelson] Service ace (Colten Litwin). Point REG
12-10 [Andrew Nelson] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Jacques Borgeaud). Point REG
13-10 [Andrew Nelson] Attack error by Alex Swiatlowski. Point REG
  Timeout UBC Okanagan.  
[Andrew Nelson] Service error. Point UBCO 13-11
[Nate Speijer] Kill by Lars Bornemann. Point UBCO 13-12
14-12 [Nate Speijer] Kill by Brad Millers (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
15-12 [Joel Legasse] Service ace (Nate Speijer). Point REG
16-12 [Joel Legasse] Attack error by Alex Swiatlowski. Point REG
  Timeout (Media).  
17-12 [Joel Legasse] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Brad Millers). Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Kill by Alex Swiatlowski (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 17-13
18-13 [Chris Wilson] Service error. Point REG
  REG subs: Steve Carston.  
[Steve Carston] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Colten Litwin). Point UBCO 18-14
19-14 [Alex Swiatlowski] Attack error by Nate Speijer (block by Rhodri Simmonds). Point REG
  UBCO subs: Connor Loewen; Kyle Pankratz.  
20-14 [Caleb Eschbach] Attack error by Lars Bornemann. Point REG
21-14 [Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
22-14 [Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Matthew Lueck (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
23-14 [Caleb Eschbach] Service ace (Lars Bornemann). Point REG
24-14 [Caleb Eschbach] Service ace (Nate Speijer). Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Kyle Pankratz (from Connor Loewen). Point UBCO 24-15
25-15 [Lars Bornemann] Service error. Point REG
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REG -- 5th -- UBCO
  UBCO starters: Lars Bornemann; Joshua Harvey; Nate Speijer; Davis Proch; Alex Swiatlowski; Jim Bell; libero Colten Litwin.  
  REG starters: Matthew Lueck; Rhodri Simmonds; Andrew Nelson; Brad Millers; Joel Legasse; Caleb Eschbach; libero Jacques Borgeaud.  
[Lars Bornemann] Service ace (Jacques Borgeaud). Point UBCO 0-1
1-1 [Lars Bornemann] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Matthew Lueck] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 1-2
2-2 [Jim Bell] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Matthew Lueck). Point REG
3-2 [Rhodri Simmonds] Attack error by Nate Speijer (block by Andrew Nelson; Brad Millers). Point REG
4-2 [Rhodri Simmonds] Attack error by Nate Speijer. Point REG
5-2 [Rhodri Simmonds] Kill by Joel Legasse (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
  Timeout UBC Okanagan.  
[Rhodri Simmonds] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 5-3
[Davis Proch] Attack error by Andrew Nelson (block by Joshua Harvey; Nate Speijer). Point UBCO 5-4
6-4 [Davis Proch] Kill by Brad Millers (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
[Andrew Nelson] Kill by Nate Speijer (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 6-5
[Nate Speijer] Attack error by Jacques Borgeaud. Point UBCO 6-6
7-6 [Nate Speijer] Attack error by Alex Swiatlowski. Point REG
[Joel Legasse] Service error. Point UBCO 7-7
[Joshua Harvey] Attack error by Matthew Lueck. Point UBCO 7-8
8-8 [Joshua Harvey] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
  REG subs: Ryan Cherwaty.  
9-8 [Ryan Cherwaty] Kill by Matthew Lueck. Point REG
[Ryan Cherwaty] Kill by Lars Bornemann (from Alex Swiatlowski). Point UBCO 9-9
  REG subs: Brad Millers.  
10-9 [Alex Swiatlowski] Service error. Point REG
[Caleb Eschbach] Kill by Jim Bell (from Davis Proch). Point UBCO 10-10
11-10 [Lars Bornemann] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
12-10 [Matthew Lueck] Attack error by Nate Speijer (block by Rhodri Simmonds; Andrew Nelson). Point REG
  Timeout UBC Okanagan.  
  UBCO subs: Connor Loewen; Kyle Pankratz.  
13-10 [Matthew Lueck] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Jacques Borgeaud). Point REG
14-10 [Matthew Lueck] Kill by Andrew Nelson (from Caleb Eschbach). Point REG
15-10 [Matthew Lueck] Service ace (Colten Litwin). Point REG
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