Calgary – Three Lethbridge goals in the first period sunk the Cougars in a 4-0 loss on Friday night at Flames Community Arenas. Place, Gentile, Reeves and Spence scored for the Pronghorns. Crystal Patterson made 27 saves for the shutout.


Colby Place opened the scoring for Lethbridge 4:15 into the first period on an unassisted marker.


Penalty trouble began to haunt the Cougars as Mairi Sorensen took an interference penalty to put Lethbridge on the power play. The Pronghorns converted again when Jodi Gentile scored on the man advantage to make it 2-0.


Kirsten Reeves scored another from Duchek and Mucha on the power play to go up 3-0 at the intermission.


Sarah Spence scored yet another power play goal in the second period from Lenstra and Yuha to cement the victory.


With the win Lethbridge moves ahead of Mount Royal into seventh place with a record of 2-9-0. The Cougars ninth straight loss drops them to last in the conference at 1-8-2.


The weekend set will shift back to the Nicolas Sheridan Arena in Lethbridge tomorrow night at 7pm.